Supplier Performance Index



KnowHow’s Supplier Performance Index (SPI) offers a high-level summary of the performance for your suppliers across a number of key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be tracked regularly



  • Open the “Dashboard” Sheet and input the “Year”, “Supplier List”, “Target Days of Stock” for each supplier/ brand, and list of “Brand Leaders”

Progress to “KPIs Instructions” Sheet and go through the performance target, measurements, performance and acceptable scores as % of KPIs standardized for your organization to familiarize yourself with KPIs and their benchmarks

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  • Progress to “Supplier Perf. Index (SPI)” Sheet and fill the score of each Supplier independently from 1 to 10, exception of the KPI of Days of Stock (DOS) which should refer to the actual days of stock of relevant brand/supplier closing the relevant month
  • Use “Sent to Supplier” Sheet in order to copy and paste the score details of relevant supplier from the “Supplier Perf. Index (SPI)” Sheet, and fill the details of “months” (R2), “supplier” (R3), and target “Days of Stock” (E14) sections for relevant supplier before printing the scorecard

Use “Rationale to Supplier” Sheet in order to provide root-cause of relevant Brand/Supplier referring to related KPIs and reason of scores with attaching relevant evidence, and choose the associated brand leader if needed

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